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THEIR Myth About the Youth

We are young. Well I suspect and slyly hope that a lot of the readers of this article/ piece are. See, the aforementioned statement isn't due to me hating or having any particular issue with older people per say, although Lord Knows some ignorant old folks really do play on my last nerve. No, I am hopeful that my audience is young because of a very specific and very pressing issue which plagues people like me. That issue is us being A-political. We are apathetic, ignorant, lazy, potential trouble-makers who don't give a damn about the world around us. In fact, all we do is use social media negatively and play video games; things we have mastered but rely on previous generations to construct. We don't care about politics, the environment or what even what social policy is and how it implicates our lives. Nope. We are the epitome of disengagement.

But see, that's wrong. See that is NOT true. We aren't apathetic, or lazy, or self-absorbed unmentionables who sponge of the work of previous generations. See, we are innovative, intelligent, creative, strong trailblazers, who are the future doctors, lawyers and politicians of this world.

The main issue for me is, all these negatives that are put on us, are not only false but are not even of our own doing. They are the creation of ignorant story-spinners of generations, in an attempt to dishearten us, who are afraid that we just might toss up the ‘status quo’ that they have adhered to their entire lives.The cite low voter turnouts at general elections between the ages of 18-24 as a sign of apathy and disinterest. Thats not apathy.. its downright outrage.Outrage and anger at politicians who lie and spill out false promises like our favourite Nick Clegg. Outrage at an electoral system which only provides no real choice besides 2 parties. Outrage and tiredness at a lack of proportionality in government and wasted votes.

Now i'm not going to act like all members of my generation care, or are even correctly informed on such issues, partly due to a failing in our educational system to do so. However, if anyone who isn't is reading this or even if you are, i want you to know that we do care about issues and that has only been highlighted in the recent general election results and in our record political party and pressure group membership.

Our Apathy is Their Myth.

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