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They put the Quali-ty in Quality-Tea!


Every big idea starts with a small thought. A paper pad, several pens and a scheduled meeting. 


The aim of Quali-Tea Mag was to encourage participation and productivity from young people all over the country. In addition to this, we set up this platform with the intentions of allowing people to become more politically educated and decipher their own opinions rather than those put forward by mainstream media, but also to allow people to express themselves without shame.

In other words, we did it for the culture. 


Big thanks to my dear Isadora, Edward and Max for your ideas, encouragement and wisdoms -your confidence and support is  is what took this idea and made it into a masterpiece, and for that I am extremely grateful for belief in my vision and belief in me!


Also, a further thank you to all our contributors for being bold and brave and constantly providing us with such brilliant content.





You can follow Edward, Isadora and myself here: 



            Edward Adonteng:                          






            Isadora Rackham:                            





           Kia Zialor:     




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