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Power. Not to the people, but from the people.

If you had told me four months ago that the Labour Party would come back to have such a large number of seats in the Commons, I would legitimately call you funny. If you had told me that Jeremy Corbyn would make several labour ministers eat their hearts out in the course of hours, I'd call you optimistic. I'm a socialist, and with the amount of Blairites in the current Labour Party, expecting Corbyn to do as well as he did was something I had simply hoped for, but knew would be near to impossible.

Although if I am honest with you, I knew the guy had it in him. He had essentially 90% of the media going on about how he's "whack", and how he's not a "decent" leader and how he might as well step down and save everyone the time and energy. He had all of that noise around him, but he was stubborn and determined. It was that stubborn nature of his that got the party to the footing it has now, it was that same stubborn nature that caused a spectacle which has only occurred two, no three other times in British history (1910,1929 and 2015 respectively). Old Jezza went from zero to hero, I'll tell you that.


You know why? It's all because of us. The people. You did that. I did that, your mum's friends' aunt did that. WE did that. Well, not all of us, but you get the point. This election... its outcome... it's all because of us ladies and gents. We have the power. "Oh you're making absolute no sense whatso-" Don't interrupt. I know what I'm saying. Trust me. Take the time to understand that you can move mountains. No matter the clothes you wear, or the sort of opinions you have to share. You have that power. Do your homework, reflect on it. Once you're done, come right back to QT. I'll have to double check with our honourable editor if it's okay for me to give this gift to the masses a nickname. But above everything else, remember reader - you have that power.

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